January 04, 2005

Queenie Does Religion

Unless this is your first visit to Inblognito, you've probably guessed that I'm not what you'd call the most religious person in the world. Yeah, I've got beliefs and I've got ideas, but I'm not big on dogma. Okay, let's just face facts and spit out the truth: I'm too lazy to be religious. No matter which religion you pick, more than likely they're going to want you to get up early on a weekend day, dress up, and come be judged for your fashion sins by a coterie of that particular faith's Mrs. Grundys. I just can't handle that; if you ask me I'm saying I'm Church of the Brethren, because from what I've read they just go to a friend's house and think about God for an hour. This, I can handle.

With that off my chest, could we cut it out with the Christian-bashing, already? If I have to see one more smarmy punk blog comment about "Jesusland" or the "stupidity" or "racism" or "illogic" of Christians and their beliefs, I'm going to barf. Christians might turn the other cheek - but I just got done telling you, I'm not a very good Christian, and I am going to lose my shit all over the most egregious offenders from now on. It's bigotry, pure and simple - look it up, you weak-minded hypocrites - for those of you who paw the dust and pull your peasant forelock to the "exotic" beliefs of Muslims or Hindus or Zoroastrians to then turn right around and belittle the Christians in your own back-yard.

These fools call anti-abortion Christians "wackos", but smile on in tolerant amusement as wife-beating is condoned by an entire sect of an "exotic" religion. They'll shake their fingers in the faces of those who oppose gay marriage, but quietly ignore the fact that open homosexuals are subject to brutal torments in some "non-western" faiths - and then they want to call Christians incapable of logic? Please.

Hey, I can say it. I'm a big, fat, sinner, and I don't oppose abortion (in certain circumstances) or gay unions. I am unrepentantly irreverant, and I tend to laugh at really off-color jokes about the priest and the rabbi who go into a bar. You don't see me parading around, all holier-than-thou; I feel reasonably certain that, unless you are Mike Tyson, you are probably holier than me. You don't see me attacking people purely on the basis of their faith, either. I might be a cunt, but I'm not an unmitigated asshole.

I don't do politics here - no, really, I don't - and I don't really want to start a politically charged discussion. This, though, goes deeper than politics, into the realm of a marked cultural trend towards personal incivility - which, as anyone who knows her Heinlein will tell you, is the mark of a dying culture. When you denigrate another's voice - openly, flagrantly - purely because you disdain their religion, you're worse than a bigot. You're laughing at their God, and you suck for it.

So just cut it the fuck out, already.

MOMENTS LATER: It must be in the blood. Momma and Daddy both kinda posted about religion tonight, too! Supernatural.

Posted by Queenie at January 4, 2005 09:28 PM

Great post, just great.

Posted by: BeeBee at January 4, 2005 10:23 PM

I love it when my blog-baby calls me Momma, and I love the post.

These things should be obvious, yet they aren't.

Nice call. (I too hate that somewhere in this age of tolerance, an overcorrection occurred, leaving many blinded to logic.)

Posted by: Key at January 4, 2005 10:48 PM

Thank you thank you thank you for letting me know there is some other sanity in the world! I believe in God and the whole shabang too, but I can't believe that going to church will make up for all the other nasty shit I do. Like your blog, love the title. I won't blogroll you though, not per your request, but because I don't know how. cheers!

Posted by: the guys all call me sex at January 4, 2005 10:58 PM

I asked God about this question. He told me that it was none of my fucking business. He said he'd take care of it, once you cleaned my house.

Posted by: Acidman at January 5, 2005 01:38 AM

Amen, sistah!

Posted by: Pammy at January 5, 2005 05:22 AM

I liked the "unmitigated asshole" part. That's what I want to be when I grow up.

Posted by: RedNeck at January 5, 2005 10:45 AM

True about the mouth-foaming incivility, but religion - no matter what religion - has to *earn* respect. I will quite happily denigrate a religion that wants to kill me. As for Christians turning the other cheek - I have never seen any evidence of that. There would have been no retaliation for 9/11 if they kept true to this premise (I support the War on Terror 100% by the way.)

Posted by: Ruth at January 5, 2005 07:56 PM



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