March 18, 2005


Now I know why I got sick last night! It was neither the five-pepper chili I had for dinner, stoked with Fritos and sour cream and sharp cheddar, nor was it the four canned beverages I washed it down with, nor was it the icing-drenched cinnamon roll I had for dessert - and the three gulps of Pepto-Bismol I downed before bedtime certainly was not culpable. Look, you: It was the earthquake!

Laugh all you want - I am an earthquake sensitive of proven abilities. I got my first true migraine living in Los Angeles, about a month after I arrived. A couple of weeks later, Friday afternoon rush hour, and bang! another migraine, just as radio reports of a semi-notable offshore temblor began to filter in. As the months went by, though, my roommate Leticia - an L.A. correspondant for Mexican Vogue, walking the Telemundo beat - noted that every time I felt ill in the slightest, there was a corresponding earthquake within twelve hours or so, sometimes before, sometimes just after. A tiny little tremor? Vomiting, diarrhea. Something in the four-point to five-point range? Migraine headache.

As soon as I moved back to the South, my migraines ceased, abruptly. I've had only five or six migraines in the nearly ten years that I've been home from the left coast, and every one (with only one exception) has heralded a tremor in someplace like Buttfuck, Alabama or Dogbed, Louisiana.

I've been lucky enough never to experience a truly significant earthquake, never been anywhere near one. And thank the lord for it, really - if a little tremor makes me puke and turns my bowels to water, and a fair-to-middlin' ground-shake puts me in bed with a sick headache, I dread to think of what might happen if I were to be in the proximity of a major earthquake. What then? Grand-mal seizures?

Yeah, it might have been the chili...but I'm sayin' it was the earthquake.

Posted by Queenie at March 18, 2005 07:03 PM

I suppose we could call you the Tectonic, ah, Girl. In the meantime I would stay away from Memphis and St. Louis, because my arthritis tells me that New Madrid thing is going to blow at any seam.

Posted by: Velociman at March 18, 2005 08:56 PM

You may have a bug? Rob and I did the same thing, about three weeks ago. Came out both ends at the same time. I messed up 30 pairs of drawers. Hope you feel better, Cat.

Posted by: catfish at March 19, 2005 01:06 AM

Golly, whatever do you do when the bed shakes? You must be a hoot in the sack.

Seriously, there's places in California that have almost continuous earthquakes of various sizes. I'd be tempted to find one and go there just to test myself, were I you. It would suck if you could never go to Yellowstone.

Gastrically, if you've had this latest flu, your guts are probably still all tore up. That's what the doctor told us yesterday about our Baby Daughter, who has been peckish of late. He told us to just give her a chunk of a Pepcid AC tablet, and it seems to be settling her down.

The doc told us your guts can be raddled for better'n a month after you become asymptomatic.

Posted by: Bane at March 19, 2005 03:23 PM

I have no problem believing what you say. One of my classes I tool while at KU, was a weather class. It was pretty much just all the basics about weather systems and clouds.

Anyway, one of the things we discussed was weather sensitivity. There was a questionaire to fill out to see just how weather sensitive you were. I ranked fairly high on the scale. I tend to have problems when a low pressure sysyem comes into my area. As you grow older your sesitivity to all of this usually decreases or goes away entierly.

Kids are the most fun to watch. I have worked with kids for quite a few years. Children tend to get really rowdy when a storm is about to hit or if there is any disturbance in the weather system. Watch some kids sometime when a storm will be comming in. It is kind of neat to watch.

Also, as a side note, they go nuts when there is a full moon. Now since kids have no clue about the theory about how one acts when there is a full moon, it gives some actual meaning to it.

Anyway, I hope you are feeling better!

Posted by: Tulip at March 19, 2005 03:27 PM

Cops know that when the clouds sit low in the sky, flat on the bottom, like they're on a glass coffee table, that there's gonna be trouble. Fights, irritations, domestic crap.

We called them 'flat clouds', as in "Uh oh, it's gonna be a flat cloud day."

And it would be so.

Posted by: Bane at March 19, 2005 07:51 PM

The connection between earthquakes and migraines may be real, as I have experienced for myself while living in Japan. Check my website (listed) for my investigation of this phenomenon.

Posted by: Code Rot at October 16, 2005 07:27 AM
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