June 05, 2005


I finally heard from Queenie. She being a circumspect gal, she had my number, I did not have hers. She is fine, of course. Working that fine tushie off. Nose to the grindstone stuff.

Here a slice of life for you:

1971: Me and my little brother were in Humphrey's Grocery, a piece of shit convenience store in Bluffton, South Carolina. Mr. Humphrey was in poor spirits, his 13 year old being a cretin, ruining the inventory, his older son Johnny having just been whacked in Vietnam.

A Pissed Old Man. Counter: A small black child, needing his Daddy gum, and me and my bro. Mr. Humphrey had decided to shine this black kid, maybe 9, and refused to serve him, so the poor child decided to tap his coin on the counter, delicately, just to see if the old man was still alive.

DON'T YOU FUCKING TAP YOUR MONEY ON MY COUNTER, YOU LITTLE NIGGER! we heard. Fuck! That was harsh. That child fled, in tears. Bought my baseball cards, never visited that crazy fucker again.

He destroyed that child. Via word, or utterance, he destroyed that child, one way or another. Welcome to the Olde South. We did that shit. Well, I didn't.

Posted by V-Man at June 5, 2005 11:18 PM

I'd like to think that 15 minutes later a big, bad ass Daddy walked in and asked the grocer to kindly repeat what he'd said to his son.

(I do like my happy endings.)

Posted by: Key at June 5, 2005 11:58 PM

Have you, as a white person, walked into a black store/club/whatever, lately?

What goes around, comes around.

And that 'Kings of Comedy' thing on the Comedy Channel...most racist shit I ever saw, bar none. I'm surprised they don't do bits in White Face.

Posted by: Bane at June 6, 2005 12:20 AM

Nah, nah. This was back when Negroes were terrified of the White Man. Sorry stuff.

Posted by: Velociman at June 6, 2005 02:48 AM

I will never forget my first time seeing the whole racial mess. I was traveling to Fort Gordon from Fort Knox and I was 20 years old. I had never been in the South before. The bus stopped in Chattanooga, TN and when I got off I was hungry and saw a sandwich stand on the outside of the bus station with a water fountain beside it. When I went to order a sandwich they refused to serve me. I had to go inside and be seated and served by a black man with a towel over his arm because I was white. Blacks had to sit outside on a bench beside this rickety sandwich stand and drink water from a rusty water fountain.

Later when I was at Fort Gordon I got on a bus to go into Augusta. The driver made a couple of little old ladies get up so my friend and I could sit in the front of the bus. When we got off the bus it was in a black neighborhood so the bus driver stayed there until the other bus came along. I was so embarrassed both times. I was born and raised in a small Central Ohio town where we had black teachers, doctors, businessmen and no segregation. The first time I saw it I knew I wanted nothing to do with it. What a sick bunch of stuff to do to a race!!

Parts of the North were no better. Even now in some of the LLL parts of the North it still comes out. My black friend who runs an antique business tells me about the people who come into her store. I was there and even though the store's name is her name the people ask me for information on the items. There seems to be an undertone to all their dealings with her and she can just feel it in their attitude. She told me that it just creeps her out. Here she is busting her hump to run a business and is successful and these LLL soccer moms treat her like she can't possibly know what she is doing.

Posted by: dick at June 6, 2005 03:15 AM

I hpoe somewhere along the line that someone told that child cruel words were a sign of the speaker lack of character and were nothing more than air in terms of the person they were directed at.

Glad you never returned.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at June 6, 2005 03:16 AM

Sorry stuff indeed. Reminds me of so much nasty that I prefer to keep locked up tight, way back, shoved into a little corner of my mind.

Even though it was more prevalent in the south, I lived far north and had a cross-burned in my yard. Racism was and is just as bad but in the north it's more hidden.

Now I'm going to once again shove it way back in a little corner of my mind. Some nasties you can't do anything about except not do them yourself.

Posted by: BeeBee at June 6, 2005 06:46 AM

I remember thoses days kinda...Growing up in Oklahoma wasn't as bad as down south was for blacks, but will never forget a sign on the corner of a very small burb on the outskirts of Tulsa that said: "Nigger don't let the sunshine set on your head in Broken Arrow"...I think the rednecks meant it too..MURRY

Posted by: MURRY at June 7, 2005 05:24 AM

My first taste of bigotry was when I told my parents that the man I was dating was black. They told me to never bring him home. I honestly couldn't understand. I love people..period. I learned a lot from this man and he was a wonderful man and some people were too blind to see it because he didn't have the right skin color. It was appalling..I remember my horror and hurt.

Posted by: Kelly at June 8, 2005 07:44 AM
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