October 27, 2005

Mail Foul

My e-mail inbox got full today, while I was busy putting out fires started, passive-aggressively, by Mister MacFarland and his spawn. A woman's work is never done, and you can never have enough storage space on disk...

If you've sent me anything since around 5:30 this afternoon - central time, of course - please do resend it. I am pining away to hear from you.

Posted by Queenie at October 27, 2005 09:19 PM | TrackBack

I find the scent of pine strangely exciting, taking me back as it does, to my days frolicking through the woods, with other nymphs.

Posted by: Bane at October 27, 2005 10:28 PM

There goes that Mr. MacFarland. Allays filling the box. I used to get paid for that. No mo!

Posted by: Velociman at October 28, 2005 12:03 AM
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