December 23, 2004

Cold Sore

Fucking meth-lab rednecks ruin everything.

Posted by Queenie at December 23, 2004 12:12 PM

Don't knock crystal-meth unless you have lived on it for years. It has been an old biker drug for years and cheap too. Catfish.

Posted by: Catfish at December 23, 2004 08:37 PM

What in the worl' you got against RedNecks? 'bout the first person you'll call if your car breaks down is a RedNeck. Ok, maybe the third person.

Posted by: RedNeck at December 27, 2004 08:22 PM

why do people think crys is so bad? its a fun drug, but only teens should do it and not alot. that may sound stupid but aparently anyone over the age of 25 gets too addicted and all the teens i do it with are good with it....which doesn't mean they will be if they keeps doing it at 25. so once you reach about 20 then STOP. lol...also coke is good, weed, alcohol, and crank are fun too.

Posted by: Methfan at February 26, 2005 10:26 AM
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